Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vacation 2010...Part 2

Andy said that I had to do Vacation Part 2, so I guess that is what I should do. I was waiting on some pictures before I did this post, but I haven't been able to get them, so perhaps that will be another post!! (just to keep you in suspense!!)

As Andy said, we love the Outer Banks. Andy already has our plan figured out of how long we both have to work, when we should buy a house down there and when we should permanently retire there! I say "How about now?!?!" It really is a wonderful place!

Besides our awesome house and our great friends, I guess the next big story is Julia sleeping in a big girl bed. There weren't enough rooms for her to have her own room, so we bought a twin air mattress and she slept on that....sorta!!! Each night before we would go to bed, we would all sneak in to see where Julia was sleeping! She hadn't quite figured out how to stay on the mattress! We would put her back on the mattress and she would roll right back off, so we figured she must be comfy on the floor and just started leaving her there!

She loved the beach! The first day we got there, everyone sorta split up to do different tasks. Some people went grocery shopping, some went to get the crabs, so Heather, Julia and I stayed and explored. We wandered down to the beach, just to remind ourselves of how much we love the place! Well Julia went straight for the ocean. She has no fear and was loving life! As I stepped back to take a picture of her, she went chasing after a wave and face planted into the water and sand. We hadn't even been there an hour! So we trek back to the house to clean her up, seeing as how she didn't even have a bathing suit on! Here is the picture I was taking just before she took off! As you can tell, she was pretty excited to be there too!
Julia loved her new little buddy Ashton. I think she liked having someone her own size there to play with this year and they got along great! Julia liked playing with all of these 'new' toys and Julia even wanted to play in the pack and play with her!

So another vacation down and I think we all pretty much agreed that we would do it again next year. The biggest debate we have is to find a different house or to stay in the same one. I think we are leaning towards finding a new house, for no other reason than the surprise and excitement of exploring a new house when we get there! We were all like little kids on Christmas when we went in and everyone was pointing out all of the cool things that the house had to offer! With that I will leave you with this photo and the fact that we can't wait until next year!!


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