Sunday, January 23, 2011

Preparing for Pictures

Anyone who has been reading this blog knows that Jules is our BIG helper! Part of my motivation has become gathering as much evidence of her helpfulness as possible so that when she becomes old and defiant, I can use it to make my case.
When she is ready to help...she's ready to help. The tool belt is fully loaded for whatever obstacles those pesky decorations might throw our way!
Julia and her Partner in crime Mia are scoping out the tree! There are times when I think that Jules and Mia are definitely working together. For example, every morning Julia asks me to carry her downstairs and then Mia proceeds to try to take my legs out. This has been going on for 2 1/2 years now and I'm convinced that they won't stop until then succeed!
I have so many fond memories of helping my dad hang up the F#$%#&G lights. Pretty sure Julia learned a couple new words during this exercise. Mommy was pretty annoyed with me!
Julia is an equal opportunity helper...although truly a Daddy's she is helping Mommy hang the Red Sox Candy Cane Ornaments.
Believe it or not, I'm struggling a bit in this photo. Homegirl is getting BIG! Only problem is that she's all about Daddy picking her up and climbing on me. One of these days I'm going to get hurt!
Here we are checking the NORAD update on Santa's progress on Christmas Eve. Everything is ready for his arrival and wouldn't you know it...Julia got everything that she wanted! This was easily my second best Christmas ever! Tough to top the year that Santa brought me the A-team action figure set!


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