Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dawn of a New Day!

I can't believe that we haven't had a post since July! Well we are back!

So many things have happened recently to get us motivated to get this blog back to where it should be. Yeah, there's Julia...she's growing like a weed, partying like a rock star and shaping up to be a MAJOR Daddy's Girl. But that's not all.

The Huskies are on a huge roll. Football is headed to a BCS Bowl and basketball recently beat the #2 and #9 teams in the country on back to back nights...let alone what the women's hoop team is doing (can you say John Wooden?).

Then I go and read Rhino's Blog (linked on the left) and realize that he is significantly out blogging us...and his rants are pretty entertaining too! To top that, there's a certain Beck family in NC with a new beautiful baby Carly that is just kicking our tails in blogs! And they're talking trash about it! Oh! It's On!

But the major motivator here has got to be the Boston Red Sox! In honor of them making their biggest off season move since signing Manny (LBMF's namesake for you long time blog followers) in 2001, WE'RE BACK!!! We are out of retirement and back in the game!

No, we're not back in the blog game...we never left. It was a sabbatical. Actually, Julia has been holding us hostage during every free minute we have. No...we're re-entering a much bigger game than that. Apparently, we enjoyed sleepless nights, spit-up and exploding diapers SO much that we're going to do it all over again, starting in May!

In honor of this series of significant developments, I feel that we should give our unborn child an appropriate moniker. Hereforth, our unborn child shall be known as LBAF, in honor of Adrian Gonzalez coming to Fenway Park this Spring! Just as Manny did, I'm sure Adrian will deliver another World Championship or two. And it will start Little Baby Adrian Fenway in the right direction as he (God...please! I need backup here!) becomes an avid Red Sox fan.

In another coming out of retirement story, I had the pleasure of donning the tools of ignorance for the first time in about twelve years this summer, as I was invited to play a game with my brother in law Nate's men's league team. And what an experience this was! Good news is that the soreness went away yesterday!

It was kinda like riding a bike! I never missed a beat!

Too bad they don't make chest protectors that cover the belly!

A massive swing and miss here, but I did go two for four with a couple RBI's and runs scored.

Hopefully one day there will be a picture of me and Julia with her wearing the 'gear'!


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