Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cooking with Minnie Mouse

It is ironic that I am writing a post about cooking as I sit here eating one of the worst egg sandwiches that I have perhaps EVER made! Nothing aggravates me more than when I screw something up cooking. I am much more forgiving of others cooking mishaps then I am of my own. It is critical that my creations come out perfectly every time!
Hopefully in time, I can teach Julia a few tricks to help her to be a fantastic cook, but for now she'll just have to pretend with her toy utensils and plastic chicken legs, cookies, etc. We do make quite the pair in our aprons though!

Just after Julia was born, I went on a business trip to Orlando and for the first time (of many many more since) I bought her a toy. It was a little stuffed Minnie Mouse. I think it was like thirty bucks, but that's what I get for buying it in Orlando...besides, I would have spent anything on it. I remember my dad coming home from business trips and being so excited to see what he brought us. Even though Jules was only four months old, I knew it was something that I just had to do.
Now I would like to think that my little stuffed Minnie influenced her Halloween costume decision, but I'm sure the Disney Channel had more to do with that. Nonetheless, she dressed as Minnie for her first actual trick or treating experience. Major kudos to Mommy for making an AWESOME Minnie Mouse costume! I was awefully impressed! She even tried to make the ears and got close, but eventually had to just buy a pair.
Here are Julia and her cousins heading out for a major candy haul!


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